Another Forgotten Notable of Husky Rowing

Lucy Pocock before becoming the first Husky Women's Coach and bringing brother George to Seattle

In my enthusiasm for Husky rowing, and the forgotten legacy of Coach Ky Ebright, I lost sight of another, perhaps even more momentous influence. In this case, the influencer was the sister of George Pocock; Husky Hall of Fame boat builder and US National Hall of Fame Member.

This second forgotten Husky (actually a Sun Dodger considering the period), was the very first coach of women's rowing at the University of Washington. Her name was Lucy Pocock. Later, she became Lucy Pocock Stillwell. While Lucy advocated for the UW women's crew, with the support of legendary Hall of Fame coach Hiram Conibear, her reign in 1914 was 50 years before women's crew at the UW became firmly re-established, having been stomped out by UW authorities as inappropriate. Lucy is also missing from the Husky Rowing Hall of Fame.

Hiram Conibear with UW Women's Crew

Lucy wasn't totally forgotten. She married the contractor that created the Montlake Cut. Many years later, she was memorialized by a racing shell named after her. It was dedicated by her granddaughter.

Dedication of the "Lucy Pocock" by Heidi Danilchik, Lucy's Granddaughter

Today, Lucy would probably whisper to the ladies that they could go faster! 

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